Leveraging a Gift of Equity to Buy a Home – An Insightful Guide

Are you having trouble coming up with the money to purchase your ideal house? Fear not, there is a solution you might not have thought of: a gift of stock. This tactic is frequently disregarded, particularly when families are selling real estate to close relatives. It’s a terrific strategy to make housing more affordable while […]
New Mortgage Landscape: FHA Loans Your Golden Ticket?

Understanding Loan-Level Pricing Adjustments (LLPAs) Have you ever found yourself wondering why some folks get better mortgage rates than others? The secret often lies in something called Loan-Level Pricing Adjustments, or LLPAs. But don’t let this financial jargon throw you off, stay with me, I promise, it’s simpler than it sounds. Think of LLPAs as […]
Buy a home with less than 20% of a down payment

A couple wants to buy a home before starting a family as they have a small apartment that isn’t the best environment for raising a child. The main issue? A 20% down payment is much more than the young couple could handle. Luckily, the couple’s lender directed the them to an FHA loan and they […]
Existing Home Sales Have Year-Over-Year Increase

Sales of existing homes went up in July by 2.5% over June and had the first year-over-year increase in more than a year reports the National Association of Realtors. Due to historically low-interest rates and low mortgage rates, home sales have increased this summer. The sales have increased despite some indications that the economy as […]
Waiting to Purchase a Home May Cost You

It may seem you are being prudent in waiting to purchase a home, but in fact, you may be hurting yourself financially. Often when you wait to see if rates will decrease, they do the opposite. Which means that if you were to wait to buy a home, it would take additional funds to purchase […]
What You Should Know Before You Apply for an Online Mortgage

You’ve probably seen an advertisement for an online mortgage and are considering using one of the online services to get a mortgage. While it’s true that online mortgages are growing in popularity, there are some things the public at large does not understand about them. Here are some things that you need to know before […]
In 2019 the Home Buying Experience is Easier Than Ever

Once a stress-inducing event, financing a house has become significantly less stressful. While still a significant purchase, financing a home has been made simpler by a host of online options. From online mortgage lenders to the ease that you can research rates, the dread-inducing mortgage application process is a thing of the past. Today, you […]
Don’t Wait to Purchase a Tampa Home

If you are one of the thousands of people considering purchasing a home in the Tampa Bay area, you may be wondering if now is a good time. Would next year be better? Are you a Millennial who’s tired of renting, but you don’t know if it’s the right time to buy? Here are some […]
Misconceptions About Buying a Home in Tampa

You may have been thinking about purchasing a home in Tampa, but you are worried that you won’t be able to meet the requirements. Like many people, you are under the two major misconceptions that keep you from buying a home. Let’s take a look at both of these perceived obstacles and why they really […]
How to Buy Your First Home in Just One Year

Owning your own home is a great feeling. In addition to the wider spaces and yard, you know it’s yours. You can do with it what you like (unless you are in a deed restricted area). It’s a once in a lifetime experience to go from renting to owning, but it can be confusing at […]